Language Learning

What is the best way to learn a foreign language? How to learn foreign language? Those question are coming on again and again.

Despite all the technological progress human made the way we learn languages is not optimal to say the least. We have tons of content, much more than we really need to learn any language, still it takes years to learn a foreign language.

Moreover, even after years of learning many language learners don’t feel confident in their target language. Why is that?

Every language is a complicated beast, if it’s not your native language. We admin it.

There are however few simple techniques that can make the whole language learning journey much more efficient and much faster.

Spaced repetition, sentence mining or story telling are all very good and proven methods but only the proper combination of them all is a real games changer in language learning.

/ Language Learning

Learning grammar makes no sense! Choose an effective method and learn formulaic sequences

Why do children learn foreign languages with such ease, while many adults have great difficulty doing so? The answer may surprise you as much as it surprised me. It’s no…

/ Language Learning

Desirable difficulties: Why does learning a language have to be difficult?

When was the last time you felt that something came to you with such great difficulty, you almost had to force yourself to do it? And then, after much struggle,…

/ Language Learning

Factors that affect language learning time. How to use them to your advantage

Learning a foreign language is a challenging task because human languages are complex systems with thousands of words. For example, the English language contains about 170,000 words, of which native…

/ Language Learning

What are mnemonics? And how to use mental techniques to learn a language.

Mnemonics is a type of mental technique that aids organization and memorization and facilitates the acquisition of more information. In the context of language learning, mnemonics can speed up the…

/ Language Learning

Factors affecting the memorization process during language learning

A good memory is a component of many factors. Unfortunately, human memory does not always work optimally. There are indeed many factors that can affect memory, which can reduce your…

/ Language Learning

Types and functions of memory. How to use memory to learn languages

You have probably experienced a situation where someone asked you something, and you totally couldn’t remember what it was about. Or you wanted to say something in English, and the…

/ Language Learning

When should we start talking? Two schools of language learning

Let’s consider when we should start speaking a foreign language and what influences whether it will be easy or not. After all, it is clear that in order to master…

/ Language Learning

3 necessary skills to communicate in a foreign language

Think of mastering a foreign language like preparing for a marathon. Sure, crossing the finish line requires speed, but what really goes into achieving that burst of speed on the…

/ Language Learning

Is it possible to learn a language at any age? It’s never too late to master a new language

I first started learning a foreign language when I was 15 years old. In post-communist Poland, not much was known about how to learn a foreign language in an effective…

/ Language Learning

Best listening exercises in language learning. Shadowing method, TPRS and others.

I have been learning languages all my life. My adventure with languages began in the early 1990s. At school I studied English and took a course in German. Later I…

/ Language Learning

How to use AI in language learning

Will artificial intelligence make learning languages child’s play? Maybe it won’t even be needed at all, replaced by a tiny chip implanted in the wrist that will make us understand…

/ Language Learning

Spaced Repetition System (SRS) and the forgetting curve in language learning – history, theory and our practice

I started my adventure with foreign languages back in elementary school, when I was 13 years old. I grew up in post-communist Poland, so learning languages was not the norm….

/ Language Learning

What is wrong with language learning?

People sitting in front of computers

/ Language Learning

What is the grammar of a language? Is learning grammar a good idea?

I love grammar. As a teenager I was fascinated by German grammar. I loved everything about it and I wanted everything to be perfect when I spoke. My attitude towards…

/ Language Learning

What is Comprehensible Input in language learning. Stephen Krashen’s theory

I started learning English more than 20 years ago. Later I learned other languages, but unfortunately I didn’t achieve proficiency in every one I encountered. I learned my first languages…

/ Language Learning

Is storytelling in foreign language learning effective? How to use storytelling.

“Can I stay with you for a week?” she asked.  “Of course,” I replied. At this point I was still speaking English to her, even though I knew some Italian….

/ Language Learning

How long does it take to learn a foreign language? And how to accelerate it with Taalhammer

I started learning English when I was still in elementary school, but it took me a long time to achieve fluency. I even had private lessons, yet some of my…

/ Language Learning

How to remember more while learning a language. An overview of memory types, factors and mnemonics.

When I studied for exams in college, I often used the so-called “three Z’s” method: in Polish, zakuć, zdać, zapomnieć, or “cram, pass and forget.” It worked great for taking…

/ Language Learning

What are effective principles of language learning. Effective learning can be simple

Learning a language is strenuous and demanding – after all, you have to learn a lot of new words, understand how to combine these words into sentences, and so on….

Niemiecki alfabet - wszystkie litery wraz z zapisem fonetycznym
/ Language Learning

Niemiecki alfabet – wszystkie litery wraz z zapisem fonetycznym

Dwa lata temu pełna optymizmu wyjechałam na upragniony city break do Berlina, czując, że to jest ten moment, w którym w końcu mogę popisać się znajomością języka niemieckiego. Uczyłam się…

Język niemiecki dla początkujących
/ Language Learning

Nauka języka niemieckiego krok po kroku. Od czego zacząć, jakie kursy wybrać

Jeśli dopiero zaczynasz swoją przygodę z językiem niemieckim i zastanawiasz się, od czego powinieneś zacząć, trafiłeś we właściwe miejsce. Jestem studentką filologii angielskiej z niemiecką i w ciągu kilku ostatnich…

Dni tygodnia po niemiecku - die Wochentage
/ Language Learning

Days of the week in German – die Wochentage

The first time I went to Germany was during the summer right after highschool graduation. I wanted to go to college to study philology and decided that I needed to…

/ Language Learning

How to Memorize Words in Another Language

A major key to learning a foreign language is memorizing vocabulary. Without a doubt, this is a challenging task. But the good news is we all possess a degree of…

/ Language Learning

Benefits of Language Learning for Company Culture

Alessandro just moved from Rome to Amsterdam to take up his dream job. He was surprised that quite often the employees in his company communicated in Dutch, not English, like…

/ Language Learning

Anxiety When Speaking a Foreign Language and How to Overcome It

You walk into a café. You notice a group of locals. They’re sitting at the table, chatting in their native foreign language. It’s the one you’ve been trying to study…

present simple
/ Language Learning

How Polyglots Learn Languages

Are polyglots just naturally gifted, or are there exact methods for their language learning success? What do they know about how to learn and master languages that most don’t? More…

girl reflection in train window
/ Language Learning

Learning a Language Through Songs

I was once visiting Rotterdam with my friends and we went out on Friday evening. I had been studying Dutch for a few years back then, and I was able…

/ Language Learning

The best way to learn a language is through sentences

While memorising lists of words and grammar rules is one of the most common ways to learn a language, it is also one reason many people end up quitting. It…

/ Language Learning

The power of learning a language with sentences

Learning a language by memorising sentences has been one of the most efficient ways to improve language skills for decades. It has been used by linguists and polyglots around the…

/ Language Learning

The crucial exercise when you learn a language

If you are not creating your own content while learning a foreign language, you are missing a huge opportunity / crucial ingredient.  In this short video I am going to…