Best Italian course online

Train your Italian with Taalhammer. Achieve fluency and confidence in Italian in any situation.

Our customers’ stories

24 april
I’ve tried other language apps and found them boring, but Taalhammer makes daily exercise easy and fun.
Samantha, Edyta and 21 others
14 april
Taalhammer helped me master Italian in a fun and challenging way. I like the dialogues and scenarios.
Andrew, Edyta and 12 others
Why learn Italian with Taalhammer?

Why learn Italian with Taalhammer?

Build language memory
Through a combination of relevant content and intelligent repetition, we will develop your memory and language reflexes in Italian.
Add and memorize your own content
Our database contains 2.5 million sample sentences, phrases and words in English–Italian pairs. Not enough? Take advantage of our AI translator.
Get a feel for Italian grammar
Specially prepared examples allow you to memorize and fluently use even the most difficult grammatical constructions of Italian. Idioms, tenses, perfects or conditionals are no longer a problem.

Who is the Italian course intended for?

For expats, for students and travelers. And in fact, for anyone who seriously wants to learn Italian.

Do you already have a teacher? Are you attending a course?

We will help and support you throughout your journey.
Find out how

But wait a second! What should my level of Italian be? And what will I be learning?

The Italian course in the Taalhammer app is designed for users at levels from A0 to B2 and it is divided into the so-called “core” collections.
Italian at levels from A0 to B2

Choose your topic

In addition, you can choose from thematic collections and quickly master and expand your Italian in areas such as:

Intensive Italian course
core collections

Most common nouns, verbs and adjectives
The most useful phrases
Carefully selected sentence variations, arranged for easier memorization

Core #1 – Italian for beginners (A0 → A1)

  • Talking about the present (presente) and the future (futuro)
  • Negations and questions
  • Expressing desire (volere)
  • Expressing ability and possibility (potere)
  • Addressing the elderly and strangers (Lei)
  • Definite (il, la, lo) and indefinite (una, uno, un) articles
  • Conjugating adjectives
  • Standard phrases (How are you, Good morning, Hello, Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, Help, Hurry up, Take it easy)
  • Numbers 1–1000

Core #2 – elementary Italian (A1 → A2)

  • Talking about the past (passato prossimo and imperfetto)
  • Pointing to people and objects (questo and quello)
  • Expressing and asking for opinion
  • Avoiding repetitions (direct object pronouns)
  • Comparison (comparativo and superlativo)
  • Expressing opinion (basic congiuntivo)
  • Specific ways of defining time
  • Construction of simple compound sentences with the simple array (e, o, ma)
  • Agreeing and disagreeing
  • Days, months, seasons
  • Numbers 1–100000

Core #3 – intermediate Italian (A2 → B1)

  • Talking about hypothetical situations, wishes and doubts (congiuntivo, condizionale and periodo ipotetico)
  • Expressing contrast between events (nonostante, sebbene, affinché, prima che)
  • Expressing needs, obligations and prohibitions (dovere)
  • Expressing possibility and permission (potere)
  • Uncertainty and subjective thinking about past events (congiuntivo passato)
  • Complex numbers for expressing dates, equations and fractions
  • Complex way of referring to things and people (relative sentences with chi and cui)
  • Passive voice – focusing on the complement instead of the subject
  • Subordinate sentences in the indicative mode (e.g., perché, quando, siccome)

Core #4 – advanced Italian (B1 → B2)

  • Talking about hypothetical situations, wishes and doubts in the past (congiuntivo passato, congiuntivo imperfetto and periodo ipotetico)
  • Expressing complex relationships between actions and events (e.g. Non appena, a meno che, prima di)
  • Formulating excuses if you are not interested in someone or something
  • Conditional sentences “condizionale” in the past (e.g. Se avessi saputo che era necessario, l’avrebbe fatto)
  • Negating ability, possibility, prohibition and necessity in the past (e.g. Deve averli visti, Avremmo dovuto continuare)
  • Passive voice in the past
  • Expressing complex temporal relationships (e.g. futuro nel passato, passato remoto)
  • Paying compliments and making excuses


How much does an online Italian course cost?

Less than three coffees a month 🙂 Check out our price list for Italian and other language courses.

How can I learn Italian online for free?

First of all, use a repetition system based on Spaced Repetition (SRS) algorithms. There are many at least partially free options, such as Anki or Quizlet. In addition, you need to find a conversation partner. We recommend apps such as Discord or Tandem for this.
However, if you care about convenience and making the most of your time, you should try our app. Many studies show that sooner or later, most students decide to buy some kind of language learning materials anyway, or stop learning.

How can I learn Italian at home?

Learning a language is memory training and a test of perseverance. It’s also 80% working alone to acquire, practice and memorize words, phrases and sentences. Nevertheless, the remaining 20% must be talking to other people. This is extremely important. Don’t forget that language is primarily for communication.

What is the best app to learn Italian for free?

All of the major language learning apps charge for at least some of their materials and functionality. In our opinion, the best results can be obtained by using a combination of Anki, Quizlet, Tandem and Discord.

How long does it take to learn Italian?

Getting to B1 level is possible in as little as 250 hours. For level B2, another 150 hours are needed. Level C is already a continuous training of the language, which in fact never ends 🙂 but here you need another minimum of 200 hours.

How can I learn Italian quickly and effectively?

First of all, you need to train memory and conversation in the right way. When it comes to memory training, the best results can be achieved using Spaced Repetition algorithms. What kind of content we memorize using these algorithms is also of great importance. The content must not be too difficult or too easy. We should understand about 60% of what we memorize (it is known as Comprehensible Input).
Conversation training gives great results when we prepare for a conversation on a given topic by memorizing many variations of simple sentences using the above algorithms. We should prepare many simple sentences for different variations of conversations: questions, negations, suppositions, etc. In addition, we can memorize sentences in different tenses and about different people.

Is it possible to learn Italian by myself?

Learning Italian on your own is possible; however, the effects depend on your self-discipline and motivation. In a situation where you are not supervised by a teacher or lecturer, consider using apps to help you learn. One such app is Taalhammer. Immersion in the language is also important. Watch videos, listen to the radio and podcasts, and read newspapers or blogs in Italian to practice colloquial language, among other things.

How can I learn Italian by myself for free?

When you start learning a foreign language, the fact is that some investment is always necessary, if only in a textbook. However, you can significantly reduce your language learning expenses. Think about what to spend your money on if you don’t want to invest in too many aids. Many apps will give you full access to materials at the price of a good textbook.

Does Duolingo teach Italian?

Duolingo allows you to master basic vocabulary, but many people agree that it’s hard to get to the next level. As a result, you may get the feeling that you are stuck with your learning. This is also a common problem for people who have reached B2 level in language learning. This is the point at which you can communicate well and lack the motivation to learn more advanced vocabulary and grammar.
Duolingo attracts users with its distinctive characters and stories, as well as rewards and the ability to track their friends’ scores. However, the whole app feels more like a game than a solid learning aid.