Mateusz Wiącek

/ Language Learning

Learning grammar makes no sense! Choose an effective method and learn formulaic sequences

Why do children learn foreign languages with such ease, while many adults have great difficulty doing so? The answer may surprise you as much as it surprised me. It’s no…

/ Language Learning

Desirable difficulties: Why does learning a language have to be difficult?

When was the last time you felt that something came to you with such great difficulty, you almost had to force yourself to do it? And then, after much struggle,…

/ Language Learning

Factors that affect language learning time. How to use them to your advantage

Learning a foreign language is a challenging task because human languages are complex systems with thousands of words. For example, the English language contains about 170,000 words, of which native…

/ Language Learning

What are mnemonics? And how to use mental techniques to learn a language.

Mnemonics is a type of mental technique that aids organization and memorization and facilitates the acquisition of more information. In the context of language learning, mnemonics can speed up the…

/ Language Learning

Factors affecting the memorization process during language learning

A good memory is a component of many factors. Unfortunately, human memory does not always work optimally. There are indeed many factors that can affect memory, which can reduce your…

/ Language Learning

Types and functions of memory. How to use memory to learn languages

You have probably experienced a situation where someone asked you something, and you totally couldn’t remember what it was about. Or you wanted to say something in English, and the…

/ Learn Dutch

Regular verbs in Dutch and their conjugation in all tenses. Tables and lots of examples.

Regular verbs are the majority of the verbs in Dutch. The follow conjugation patterns and rules.  To conjugate them, we first have to find the stem in the verb and…

/ Learn Dutch

How to conjugate irregular verbs in Dutch. Theory, tables and lots of examples.

Irregularity in verbs was originally the norm. This means that verb forms were ‘regular’ when they were irregular. This is how languages evolved – largely through random processes, acting in…

/ Language Learning

3 necessary skills to communicate in a foreign language

Think of mastering a foreign language like preparing for a marathon. Sure, crossing the finish line requires speed, but what really goes into achieving that burst of speed on the…

/ Encyclopedia

Distance Learning in Language Education

Distance learning has revolutionized education, allowing learners to study without the constraints of time and place. This article explores the evolution, current state, and challenges of distance language education, providing…