Mateusz Wiącek

girl carrying big teddy bear
/ dutch, grammar, Learn Dutch

Conjugation of Dutch verbs 

The conjugation of verbs can keep Dutch language learners up at night. Why are they so important and why do people have so many problems with them? How to tackle…

/ Learn Dutch

Common phrases in Dutch 

Once, when I went to the Netherlands to visit a friend, I was unexpectedly taken by him to a birthday party of a close friend of his. I must admit…

girl looking in the mirror
/ Learn Dutch

Dutch Numbers

I remember being at the Loveland music festival in Amsterdam. Somewhere in the crowd I got separated from my group. But it wasn’t so bad, because I met a girl…

/ Language Learning

The power of learning a language with sentences

Learning a language by memorising sentences has been one of the most efficient ways to improve language skills for decades. It has been used by linguists and polyglots around the…

/ Language Learning

The crucial exercise when you learn a language

If you are not creating your own content while learning a foreign language, you are missing a huge opportunity / crucial ingredient.  In this short video I am going to…

/ Language Learning

Why are you wasting your time learning foreign language

If you are trying to learn a foreign language, you are probably wasting your time. In this video I am going to explain why and what you need to do…

/ dutch grammar, Learn Dutch

When to use “De” and “Het” in Dutch

When you start learning Dutch, you will quickly realise that without knowing the basics of how to use the definite articles, to use “De” and “Het” in Dutch it will…

/ Language Learning

How to hack your memory for efficient language learning with Taalhammer (Part 2)

In order to learn foreign language you need to memorize thousands of words and sentence patterns. There is just no other way. Memorization is fundamental to language learning. However, the…

/ Language Learning

How to hack your memory for efficient language learning with Taalhammer (Part 1)

Whatever language-learning method you are using, one thing remains the same: you need to memorise a large amount of information (typically thousands of words and patterns) and develop reflexes that…

/ Language Learning

How to battle the fear of speaking a foreign language

Are you learning a foreign language? Do you feel you already know enough to be able to speak but you just mumble – or even worse, freeze – when it…